How often should you brush your teeth?
How many times a day to clean teeth from plaque? It depends on several factors: the health of the enamel, the number of fillings, the acidity of the saliva, and others. The minimum amount is once a day. The standard for proper hygiene is cleaning in the morning and evening.

Sometimes it is recommended to brush your teeth after eating. However, if the enamel is badly damaged, you have treated fluorosis, then you should not be so zealous as not to break its integrity again. There are also hygiene products – special rinses that refresh and eliminate bacteria. They are suitable for home care. They can be used at work, on the road and in other places where a brush cannot be applied.

What to use to brush your teeth?
A regular toothbrush is optimal. Electric is sometimes recommended, but it is not suitable for everyone. It all depends on the condition of the gums. In addition, due to the round shape of the bristly nozzle, it is not possible to reach all places. However, it is not entirely useless. It is advisable to choose the option of a brush without rubber inserts, since they cause some discomfort due to a squeak, which many do not like. It is very important to remember to keep the inner surface of the cheeks and tongue clean. Brush manufacturers have foreseen this and have provided some models with special pads. They will effectively and quickly remove plaque.